
Centre practice is the name given to a group of exercises similar to those à la barre but performed in the centre of the room without the support of the barre. Simple combinations at the barre brought in and repeated in the centre. Basic poses are studied. These exercises are usually performed with alternate feet and are invaluable for obtaining good balance and control. 

The concept of Epaulement; Croisé and Effacé must be explained at the beginning for the exercises of the center. Following exercises is taught gradually from the basic form in center practice of Vaganova method at the first level:

- Demi plié en face and from 5th position with épaulement

- Grand Grand Plié in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th and then 4th position with épaulement

- Battment Tendu in 5th position with demi-plié with all sides

- Battement Tendu Jeté in 5th positions with all sides

- Rond de jambe par térre; en dehors and en dedans

- 1st port de bras en face and 2nd port de bras croisée

- Demonstrating the big poses croisés, effacés and ecartés

- Battement Fondu en face, off the floor

- Battement Frappé en face, double, off the floor

- Petit Battement sur le cou de pied (even accent)

- Rond de Jambe en l’air (regular form)

- Temps Lié par térre

- Relevé Lent at 90 degrees

- 3rd port de bras with épaulement

- The small and big poses

- 1st, 2nd and 3rd arabesques with the toes on the floor

- Pas de bourreé change with épaulement en dehors and en dedans with arms.

- Relevé on demi-pointe in 1st, 2nd and 5th positions both with and without plié.

In addition to the barre exercises which are repeated in the center exercises, the following movements are taught for the centre works: 

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