The first level of the training method is emphasized that all movement what the basic principles are and how the body is aligned and moves in the space. From the first year of study, the purpose of the movements is to produce, a dependable and strong turn out, so that later, during jumps, the feet will form themselves into a precise correct positions. At the first, students are given exercises mostly facing the barre until total stability. Then the students are instructed to place one hand on the barre while executing the basic exercises and then during centre practice the students face the mirror. Students study basic port de bras with all the barre and centre exercises in order to develop coordination, artistry and musicality. Simple combinations at the barre are brought in and repeated in the center. When the legs of the pupil are correctly placed, when they acquired a turn out of the foot and the muscles have toughened then may be approached the study of allegro. To make it jumps easier they are done in the beginning at the barre, facing it and holding it both hands. Students are introduced to exercises on pointe work with the given exercises for this elemantary level.
All exercises at the barre are teached two hands facing the barre only until step is assimilated then one hand with slow tempos. The following exersises is taught in the basic form then within the simple combinations (two hands facing the barre only until step is assimilated then one hand. Slow tempos):
- Demi plié (In I., II., V., later IV. positions )
- Grand plié (In I., II., V. later IV. positions )
- Battement tendu en croix, pour le pied (then with plié form )
- Battement tendu jeté en croix ( then with piqué)
- Rond de jambe par térre
- Fondu en croix à terre, off the floor
- Battement soutenu en croix à tere, off the floor
- Soutenu en tournant with half turn en dehors, en dedans
- Frappé a tere, double, off the floor
- Rond de jambe en l’air
- Petit battement
- Adagio; developpé passé, relevé lent, en croix
- Grand battement en croix, piqué
- Relevé (I., II., V. positions)
- 1st and 3rd port de bras. The 3rd port de bras is done with the leg extended forward and/or back with the toe on the floor, often as a conclusion to the rond de jambe par terre exercise (also combined with other exercises).