
All dance jumps mechanically consist of 4 phases:

1. Preparation

2. Take-off

3. Flight

4. Landing

The preparation serves as a run-up. Before the initial jump the dancer gains a certain horizontal velocity, which, in case of effective application, improves the performance of the jump, especially the take-off phase (Kalichová, Vol:5 2011). To make them easier they are done in the beginning at the barre, facing it and holding on with both hands. When the legs of the pupil are correctly placed, when they have acquired a turn out when the ball of the foot has been developped and stenghthened, when the foot has gained elasticity and the muscles have toughened – then may we approach the study of allegro (Vaganova, 1969, s. 12). Following exercises are taught in the first level of Vaganova Ballet Syllabus: 

- Temps levé saute in 1st, 2nd and 5th positions

- Petit Changement de pieds

- Petit Echappé in 2nd position

- Pas Assemblé – side only

- Pas Sissone simple – en face

- Pas Glissade – Side

- Pas Jeté – side only

- Pas de polka

- Pas de basque

- Stage form

- Trampoline jumps 

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